Out TYs were as busy as ever, despite part of the term being moved online. That didn't stop them from moving forward and getting involved in plenty of activities alongside their regular classes and modules. Congratulations to Matthew Escanillas on his winning design for the TY Logo. Here are some of the activities students were offered over this past term:
College Awareness Week Film
IACT Driving Skills Courses
Cooking & Gardening
Cork Film Festival Online Experience
Plastic-free Schools Workshop
Trip to The Good Neighbour [Zero-free Waste shop]
School Christmas Decorating
Online Career Skills Courses
Rocky Fitness Bootcamp
Table Tennis Tournament
Reptile Haven Experience
Music Generation DLR Song Writing Programme
February Work Placement
IRFU Online Rugby Workshops
Online Pizza Cooking Class
DLS Lockdown Premier League Tournament
IACT Microsoft Essentials & Cyber Safety Course
