End of Year Report
Regarding COVID-19:
This year has been exceptionally challenging for the whole school community. This includes putting a halt on various projects that the student council was involved in, such as the deployment of an updated water system for students (i.e: new water fountain). These projects will be resumed and hopefully completed by the end of the 2021-22 academic year.
Year Overview:
The year started with regular meetings where ideas were bounced around and developed. Further meetings were discussions of the progress that has been made of current projects and the possibilities of future projects. A fundraiser was organised (Christmas Jumper Day) to raise money for both the school and a charity. Over €430 was raised. This money was divided and sent off to the chairy, with the remainder being put towards the water fountain project.
Unfortunately, schools were closed from January to March as per the department of education’s recommendations. The Irish Second-level Students’ Union (ISSU) hosted a meeting, in which a broad range of topics were discussed, such as the lack of clarity regarding the 2021 Leaving Certificate. The student council conducted a meeting over Google Meet, which organised a survey for students to take about online classes. Further small meetings were held throughout the period of online classes.
The Easter Period saw the first online ISSU “Extraordinary Assembly” on the 31st of March, in which students from all across the country attended and voted on amendments to the ISSU Constitution. “Breakout Rooms” were also held to receive a more individual student opinion on questions such as “Is the Irish education system unfair to certain students?” A further ISSU assembly (Annual Assembly) was hosted online on the 9th of May, where students continued voting on amendments to the constitution and for new governing members of the ISSU.
Various small meetings were held where topics such as the “Leavers Hoodie/Jumper” for 6th year students were discussed, as well as a meeting which sought the opinion of the student council on the working design of a De La Salle Tracksuit. The year was wrapped up with a final impromptu meeting, where the current 6th years gave their speeches of encouragement to what will become the student council next year.