My Experience of Remote Learning
My experience of remote learning has been hard to say the least.
In the beginning I was overwhelmed and didn’t know what to expect of online learning. After a few weeks though I found it wasn’t at all as I had expected. True it is hard bu
t I got used to it. I took on challenges such as cooking and learning new skills. I got quite good at them as well. I tried making tiramisu, an italian dessert which turned out great and I tried making a chocolate cheesecake which didn’t turn out as planned but I’ll try again sometime. I have been going outside more recently as well because of the steps challenge which gives us a good break from the screens. Overall my experience of online learning was troublesome in the beginning but I adapted and saw it as a new part of life with the help of friends and teachers.

My Experience of Remote Learning
My learning experience during lockdown was peculiar, to say the least. Some aspects of it affected me in a positive way but the majority of the learning I found hard to wrap my head around. Because of distractions and the false environment for studying and learning, it has been troublesome for me to comprehend some of the information. I have attempted my best to overcome these obstacles in my way of having a ‘real’ education. I have made my best effort despite being a ‘fish out of water’. I am sure in the upcoming weeks these problems will become less of a threat to my learning.
The boredom and the lack of entertainment during lockdown have really gotten to me, so I decided to pick up new habits such as running and skipping. During the day I push myself to learn and do more, which I found very beneficial.
In conclusion, I find this online learning to be less effective for my education than in the class environment. I hope the restrictions will be less harsh and we will be able to go to school again soon.
Chaker Tifouri
School during lockdown
My experience of remote learning has been going smoothly for most classes but recently, I realised that I have gotten a bad habit of daydreaming during class hours. This can cause me to fall behind. I am still trying to solve it, hopefully I will.
To keep myself fit, I go on morning jogs before class and I play football with my mates. I have decided to learn a new skill which is skipping. I have learned that skipping is a very effective indoor exercise that causes you to burn a lot of calories. Currently, I am trying an advanced skipping trick which boxers tend to use during training.
To sum up, everything that has been stated this lockdown has been beneficial in many ways but it still can be difficult to concentrate. I can’t wait to come to school again.
Mohammed Belakhdar
My Experience of Remote Learning
My experience of remote learning has been...difficult to say the least. Granted, that’s to be expected, I have trouble getting out of my own bed in the morning. Since I’ve been working from home, there have been multiple instances of me getting distracted by things around the house such as my games, my phone or social media. In some of those cases I had reason, like if something serious was happening with my friends and they needed help, I’d be there for them, but in other cases it’s just a bad habit.
I’ve gotten better at ignoring these due to being moved around twice, once to the kitchen and a second time to a desk in the playroom, but I still get distracted anyway. The work that I’ve been given so far has had multiple difficulty levels, ranging from easy to hard, but I still manage to get it done, even if it’s not done on the day it was put up.
Once I get all of my work done, I’ll have a nice evening of relaxation, usually consisting of hanging out with friends online, making some artwork either on paper or digitally, playing my video games or finding mods for those games to play. I’ll sometimes go on an hour long cycle with my Dad up around a nice field by our estate for a bit of exercise.
All in all, my experience of remote learning has been hard, but I’ve been able to get through it. I really do hope that we’ll be back in school soon though, I’d rather be there than here even if I am in the comfort of my own home.
Jake Curry
My Experience with School in Lockdown
When we were first sent into lockdown, I thought it would be relaxing to learn from home and take a break from school. I thought it would be a nice two week rest. For the first while it was great. I could schedule my own work, I could decide what I wore and what time to wake up. It was refreshing to finally get the independence that I had been hoping for in secondary school. Then we were told it would be more than two weeks. This wasn't the worst news considering how great this new learning environment was going. The only downside was I found myself getting distracted by my family and technology. We got time off school and it was like a huge holiday. However, the days soon started to become repetitive and bland. The weeks blurred together and I lost track of time. It felt like an eternity sitting around doing nothing. Staying active and going outside helped. When we got back into school it was hard to believe that I was in second year. It was good to see everyone in person and learn without blasting my eyes with a shining screen. When we were sent home again due to Covid cases skyrocketing I thought it would be boring again but it's ok. Hearing the teachers on the video classes helps me stay focused and I think school is handled much better now.
Oscar Fitzgerald
My experience during lockdown
My experience during lockdown has been an interesting one to say the least. My routine for school has completely changed, I’ve had more time to train and everyday feels like a complete repeat of each other. To me this seems impact on people's mood as we feel we can’t do anything or go anywhere.
On the school side of things it’s a bit different to the rest of lockdown as it’s like a little break from the realisation that everyday is the same, in school everyday is a new topic. It’s good for people’s mental health just to have that tiny bit of time when they get to talk to people outside their house. I’ve been enjoying myself during lockdown as much as I can because at the end of the day when are you going to get an opportunity to enhance skills or whatever you want without distractions.
Peter Mari