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October Letter to Parents

3 October 2013

I would like to take this opportunity to update you on events in the College.

The Junior Certificate Results this year were truly excellent. In general, they reflected the work done by the boys - those who applied themselves well to their studies achieved their potential. We congratulate all the students concerned and hope that they will reflect on their achievements and redouble their efforts as they move towards their Leaving Certificate. As a consequence of their outstanding results, two of our students, Cathal Swan and Edvinas Teiserskis, have been invited to compete at the National Olympics to select an Irish team to represent Ireland at the European Union Science Olympiad.

The College participated in the schools support programme for the Dublin Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes again this year. A group of 6 boys, Brendan Butcher, Gareth Cooney, Jamie Hyland, Andrew McArdle, Conor McDonald and Eoin Shivnen, with teacher, Ms Émilie Mazzucato spent 5 days in Lourdes assisting the elderly and disabled and participated in the various religious services. They did a fantastic job and brought great credit to themselves and to the school.

The Parents Association organised a social evening for the First Year Parents in the College. This gave the parents of the new students an opportunity to meet with each other and familiarise themselves with their boys new classmates.

46 boys from the Senior and Junior Rugby teams travelled to Paris last weekend. They visited the birth place of St. Jean Baptist de La Salle in Reims and participated in a 7-a-side tournament with Sacre Coeur, a De La Salle College in Reims. The Senior team brought back the trophy and also won their second game with Meaux Rugby Club on the Sunday. The Saturday was spend in EuroDisney and in visiting Paris. Many thanks are due to Mr. Brendan Cryan, Mr. Eugene Ryan and Mr. Thomas Leigh who travelled with the Principal and the boys. Special thanks are also due to Ms Émilie Mazzucato who organised all the practical arrangements for us in France.

The first Parent Teacher Meeting of the year, the 3rd Year Parent Teacher Meeting, takes place on Thursday 3rd October. This provides an opportunity for the class teachers and parents to discuss the study, progress and attainments of the students. All 3rd Year parents are encouraged to attend, to meet the class teachers and the Form Teachers.

The College will welcome the Senior Team of 1962/63 on Wednesday 9th October. The team will visit the College as part of their 50th Reunion celebrations and watch the League games with Newpark in the afternoon. We are delighted to welcome back this team who defeated Castleknock College in the First Round of the Senior Cup in 1963 - a portent of things to come 20 years later in 1983 when we won the Schools Senior Cup for the first time!

The College will hold its annual Open Day on Tuesday 8th October from 2.00 - 4.30pm. We would like to invite all students in 4th, 5th or 6th class in any primary schools to attend, to meet the students and teachers and to view our excellent facilities. Our Entrance Assessment for 1st Year entry in 2014 will take place on Saturday 19th October. If you have a son who is due to enrol in the College for the 2014 / 2015 academic year please ensure that you complete an application form and return it to the school office immediately, if you have not already done so.

I would like to remind parents that "Fizzy" drinks and drinks high in sugar or caffeine are not allowed and should not be consumed during the school day. Research shows that these drinks affect students concentration and are detrimental to their learning. These drinks are no longer available in the school canteen and I encourage you to ensure that your son does not buy them and bring them to school.

As we approach Halloween, I want to remind you about the dangers involved in fireworks and bangers. These are dangerous in the school environment and are forbidden. Any student who brings these to school, for any purpose whatsoever, will be disciplined. I ask for your support and co-operation to ensure the safety of your son and all our students.

Finally as they reach the end of their term of office, I would like to thank the Board of Management of the College for all their dedicated work on behalf of the trustees, the parents, the staff and the boys in the College. The new Board is in the process of being constituted and will commence its 3 year term of office on 15th October 2013.

Lorcan Balfe,



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