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Leaving Certificate 2021 - Updates 9th March 2021

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) 2021

The State Examinations Commission (SEC) has introduced a facility to allow Leaving Certificate

candidates to confirm their subject and level entry details online through the Candidate Self

Service Portal, and to indicate whether they want to take the examinations, or to receive SEC

Accredited Grades, or both.

The Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) is a service provided by the State Examinations

Commission (SEC) and the Department of Education for 6th year candidates entered for the

2021 Leaving Certificate.  

The Candidate Portal will open at 12 Noon on Wednesday 10 th March and close at 6 pm

on Tuesday 16 th March. 

The Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) can be accessed

at or Click on ‘Leaving Certificate

Candidate Self Service Portal (CSSP) 2021’.

To assist Candidates the SEC has prepared a step by step ‘Before You Start Guide’ which is

attached, and we are requesting that you and your son read this Guide and the important

information before your son starts the registration process on the Candidate Self Service Portal. 

Please also read the Leaving Certificate Short Information for Students, Parents and


On this portal, the students will indicate whether they want to take the state examinations, or

receive Accredited Grades, or both. They will also be able to confirm their subjects and level

entry details.


In order to be able to register they will need their candidate exam number (provided to them

last week), their PPSN and their date of birth.


******Should your son require some help to complete this compulsory process, Ms

Fitzpatrick and Ms Mazzucato will be available on Monday 8 th during Tutorial Class.******



Wednesday Afternoon ‘Trial Exams’:

During our last 6th Year Assembly, students expressed an interest to have the option of ‘trial

runs’ to prepare for the June examinations. Therefore it was decided that, in order to provide

students with an opportunity to experience sitting Leaving Cert papers under examination

conditions, we would offer them the possibility to sit some papers on Wednesday afternoons

outside of class times (timetable will be posted on 6th Yr Tutorial Google Classroom).

Please remember that these exams are completely optional and WILL NOT form any part

of their Accredited Grades.

Leaving Certificate Oral Examinations / Practical Examinations:

Oral Examinations in Gaeilge and the Modern Foreign Languages will be taking place in school

between 26 th March and 15 th April. The exact dates for each will be communicated to students

officially after closure of the portal on Tuesday.


Practical examinations for Construction Studies have been cancelled.

 For further information on the arrangements for the Leaving Cert exams and Accredited Grades

process, please refer to ‘ A Guide to State Examinations and Accredited Grades for Leaving

Certificate 2021.’ (see attached)


Subjects studied outside school:

Ms Mazzucato has already made phone/email contact with all parents and students taking an

extra subject outside of school. If your son intends to request an Accredited Grade / sit the

Leaving Cert exam in a subject studied outside school and you have NOT been contacted by Ms

Mazzucato yet, please ensure you contact her by return email.


Attendance, uniform and respect of Covid 19 Protocols:

It is also important to continue to encourage your son to be Covid compliant at all times both

inside and outside the school. We want to keep the virus out of the school and to ensure the

health and wellbeing of all our students and staff. We also ask for your cooperation to ensure

that your son comes to school on time, everyday and in full uniform.

As always your support and cooperation is very much appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Siobhán Foster - Principal

Emilie Mazzucato - Year Head


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