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Christmas Fair 2019

Dear Parent(s)/Guardian(s),

Our Annual Christmas fair takes place on Sunday, December 1st from 11.30pm to 3pm. Our Parent's Association and Staff are working hard to make our Fair even better than last year. In order to do so we need the help of every De La Salle, Churchtown Family! 

Last year we got lots of fantastic donations and we are requesting the same again this year, please see below and find attached a letter detailing the items we are looking for. 

We would be delighted with the following donations to help with our raffle/prizes/stalls.

Shop bought biscuits and cakes, including Christmas cakes and mince pies

  • Bottles -alcoholic and non-alcoholic. (Alcohol may only be dropped to the school by parents / guardians) for our bottle stall

  • Unopened gifts (please only donate prizes that you yourself would like to win.)

  • Books – good quality second hand books, children’s and adults.

  • Toys – Good quality second hand toys.

  • Chocolate -boxes, tubes, bags, selection boxes, bars etc for our Chocolate Tombola Stall.

  • Accessories like bags, belts, scarves, jewellery, vintage goods and collectables for our ‘Vintage Chic Stall’.

  • Plants and plant pots ..indoor or outdoor for this very popular stall.

Items can be dropped into the school reception from 8.30am to 4pm daily. 

Thank you for your support.


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