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Attention, First Year Parents

13 October 2014

Dear parents of First Year students,

The Parents' Association of De La Salle College would be delighted if you could come along to a Social Evening in the Conference Room of the College on Tuesday, 21st October, 2014 from 8pm. The Social Evening is being held for the benefit of parents/guardians of First Year students and should be a lovely evening, with refreshments provided by the Parents' Association.

We feel that it is important that you have the chance to meet and talk to other parents of boys in your son's class or year, and also to the Form Teachers of each class, in an informal setting. There will also be a lovely photograph of your son(s) to bring home with you.

The parents of the Parents' Association will be there on the night and will be more than delighted to offer any tips or advice, if needed. Please come along to the evening, it would be great to see you there. 

The contact number for the Parents' Association is 087 3379705. Please let us know if you can attend. (If  you don't manage to let us know in advance, please still come along on the night if you are available.)

Our best wishes,

Brenda Mc Ginnity (Chairperson)

Parents' Association,

De La Salle College


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