Read the latest goings on!
End of Year Reflection
15 June 2013 As we head into the summer holidays and the State Examinations are in full flow, it is timely to reflect on the year just...
A Very Successful Gathering
8 May 2013 Talk obviously centred on times past, on people and happenings, as stories were told and retold and events recalled from dim...
East Leinster Track and Field Competitions
9 May 2013 Particular congratulations to Luke Nolan (1-3) who finished 6th in Minor boys 1100m, Ryan McGloughlin (2-1) who placed 5th in...
Show Racism the Red Card
29 April 2013 Every year a charity called "Show Racism the Red Card" holds a reward ceremony for various things. This year several TY...
De La Salle Gathering 2013
As part of our 60th Anniversary Celebrations we are organising a "Gathering" in the College on Thursday 2nd May 2013 from 7pm 'til...
Easter Trip to Rome
11 April 2013 Day 1: We started off with a 7:30am flight from Dublin to Rome, eagerly waiting all the way. When we finally landed we...
Badminton: Southside Schools Mixed Doubles Invitational Tournament
On 13th March, six schools came together in De La Salle College Churchtown to participate in the Mixed Doubles Badminton Tournament. It...
Tom Vaughan-Lawlor Visits the College
19 March 2013 My team (Eoin Redmond, Gary O' Connor and myself) produced a segment on the 60th anniversary of the school and the De La...
Principal's Letter March 2013
The 6th Year and 3rd Year students have just finished their 'Mock' Examinations and will be getting their results over the coming days....
U16 C Team Win Dublin Badminton Division 4 Championship
7 February 2013 De La Salle College U16 C Team win Dublin Badminton Division 4 Championship. De La Salle College Churchtown has won the...
De La Salle College Wins Media and Multicultural Award
7 February 2013 De La Salle College was nominated by 6th Year Student Boni Odoemene for a Multicultural Award. The awards are presented...
SCT Beaten by St Andrews
Jan 18 2013 De La Salle's run in the Leinster Schools Rugby Senior Cup unfortunately came to an end today. They were out-played by a...
Principal's Letter 2013
Dear Parent(s), I would like to welcome all our students back to the College for the January/February term. This is a short, but...