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Leaving Certificate Maths is a challenging yet engaging subject. It is accessible to all students through Higher, Ordinary or Foundation level. Students will build on their prior understanding of maths and work to improve their mathematical thinking through problem-solving and synthesis of various maths concepts. At all stages of maths learning, students are encouraged to approach maths with a positive outlook and adapt a discovery-learning, growth mind-set approach to learning.

Course Content

The maths curriculum is based around five strands (Number, Geometry and Trigonometry, Statistics and Probability, Algebra and Functions) which aim to enable students to apply their learning to solve problems, while connecting their learning across strands. The higher level course has an emphasis on calculus, which is used both in science, finance and engineering, and on sequences and series, which can be applied to finance and accounting. Students taking the ordinary level course will also learn skills in these areas, albeit at a more easily accessible level for all students.

Type of Homework/Projects/Assignments

Homework is given daily in order to consolidate student learning. It is vital and expected that students engage with the given homework in order to improve their understanding of material being covered in class.

Is this subject a requirement for any college courses?
Students who are hoping to continue onto third level education must pass maths at any level: Higher, Ordinary or Foundation. Students hoping to study in the area of STEM should check their course specifications for grade requirements.
Course Content

IT resources are used as much as possible to aid student learning. Websites such as, Khan academy, can greatly enhance student learning both in and outside of the classroom.

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